Why is My Hair Thinning?

Have you been worrying a lot recently about the thinning appearance of your hair? There are many reasons as to why your hair could be thinning, ranging from environmental factors to medical conditions, some of which are detailed below.

Hereditary Hair Loss

Trichotillomania hair thinning disorder

If you are over the age of 20, thinning hair could be a tell-tail sign of Hereditary Hair Loss. It is estimated that over 90% of men and over 70% of women suffer from thinning as a result of the hereditary condition known as Androgenetic Alopecia.  This can affect numerous ethnicities and can be passed on down from either the mother or father.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia Hair Thinning Disorder

The medical name for the well-known term ‘male pattern baldness’. This term is used to describe men that are suffering from thinning hair, most commonly when other family members are also suffering from hair loss and/or baldness.  This is the most common reason for hair thinning, leading ultimately to hair loss.

There are a wide-range of treatment options available for the management of Androgenetic Alopecia, ranging from medication, topical treatments and dietary supplements. 

However, even if the thinning of hair is stopped or slowed, it is still important to consider the potential psychological effect of Androgenetic Alopecia .  The US National Library of Medicine describes this as "moderately stressful condition that diminishes body image satisfaction".  To combat this, products such as Kerafiber can be used to give the appearance of thicker hair using all-natural keratin fibers. 

Alopecia Areata and Trichotillomania

Alopecia Areata and Trichotillomania

Alopecia Areata and Trichotillomania are the same thing. They are the terms used for when there is a substantial amount of hair missing from parts of the body where you would expect to see it grow, such as your head. You will notice your hair thinning before it falls out completely.

There are several types of Alopecia Areata, one being Alopecia Totalis which is the total loss of hair all over the head (baldness). The other is Alopecia Universalis which involves the complete loss of hair on both the head and also the body.

These conditions differ from Androgenetic Alopecia in as much as Alopecia Areata is widely considered an autoimmune condition in which your body mistakes your hair for a foreign object and begins attacking the follicle, as opposed to hereditary a genetic condition as with Androgenetic Alopecia.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium Hair Thinning Disorder

Telogen Effluvium is often characterised by temporary thinning of the hair; more hair than usual may be seen to fall out, particularly when washing your hair, even though the rest of your scalp and hair may look healthy.   This condition usually occurs 1-3 months after your body undergoes serious stress or trauma, such as from serious illness, an accident, child birth or excessive sun-exposure.

Telogen Effluvium does not usually require any treatment; hair should return to its original thickness within a few months.  In the rarer cases where the condition is caused by zinc or iron deficiencies, appropriate supplements should remedy the problem within a similar time-frame.

If you feel self-conscious during this time, you may wish to consider Kerafiber hair thickening fibers, which can give your hair a thicker appearance and hide the effects of Telogen Effluvium.

Congenital Hypotrichosis

Congenital Hypotrichosis Hair Thinning Disorder

Unlike the alopecia conditions described above which relate to hair loss, Congenital Hypotrichosis is a genetic disease which results in no hair growth at all (or very limited hair growth in some cases). This condition is present from birth and usually stays with the individual throughout their life.

The majority of cases of Congenital Hypotrichosis are due to genetic aberrations or defects of embryonic development.  Despite strong developments in understanding of the human genome, there is currently no known effective treatment to cure this condition.

Loose Anagen Syndrome

Loose Anagen Hair Thinning Syndrome

This syndrome describes hair that is easily pulled out of the hair follicle and as the name suggests, you will notice the hair appears loose due to a defect in the hair shaft and can easily and painlessly be pulled out.

This condition is far more common in blonde-haired children between the ages of 2-5, but often subsides without treatment over time. However, Loose Anagen Syndrome can also appear later in life. At this point, hair loss is often far more persistent and will be less likely to subside over time.

Much like Congenital Hypotrichosis, Loose Anagen Syndrome is suspected to be a genetic condition and no known treatments are effective.

Keratin hair Fibers

Hair Thickening Keratin Fibers

KeraFiber are the leading manufacturer of keratin hair fiber products and have helped thousands of people to regain their confidence. Keratin hair fibers bind seamlessly to your hair and dramatically improve the appearance of thinning hair. This makes KeraFiber a very effective treatment for resolving the confidence issues caused by these conditions.

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