Hair Fiber Reviews - What To Look Out For

Can you believe everything you read on the internet? The simple answer is no. There are a whole host of reasons why you should never take the information you read online for gospel.

Firstly there is the age-old problem of media sensationalism. The media has been a source of manipulation since there was a media to manipulate. There are often underlying commercial biases which are rarely disclosed and claims are often exaggerated and falsified.

Then of course there are the commercial mechanics of the internet. Websites which do not provide a saleable service or product are monetised by advertising.

To entice advertising revenue you need a high number of page views. Producing high quality material which will be read because it is original, thought provoking or compelling is time consuming and expensive; however, celebrity fluff or articles with sensationalist headings and pictures which are chosen purely for their click value can quickly notch up page views.

So, how do you know what you’re reading is true?

Losing one’s hair is a traumatic and stressful experience, and it’s only logical that you would go to a great source of free information (the internet) to try and find the best method of counteracting this problem. However, when you’re desperate for a solution, it is all too easy to believe what you read, without applying the rational judgement you would otherwise use.

There are literally hundreds of hair loss products on the market today, many of which will make any number of claims.

Let’s take hair fiber reviews as an example. Hair fibers are usually sprayed or shaken onto hair to give the appearance of a thicker and fuller head of hair. That’s great. But how do you know which products work well, and which should be avoided? You have to rely on hair fiber reviews of course…

What should you look for?

Fake reviews from fake users are used by some hair loss treatment companies to add kudos to products which scientific and clinical studies simply won’t back up. Some will even go as far as to conduct their own ‘scientific research’ and present the results as the findings of an independent study.

As a rule of thumb, anything that sounds too good to be true, usually is. Currently there are no ‘cures’ for hair loss (although that may change in the next few years), so anything that claims to regrow hair should be viewed with suspicion.

Videos and testimonials

Authentic sounding written or video testimonials are a good place to start, although these should then be verified with further research.

Videos of the product in action are even better and at KeraFiber we have put these kind of videos on our homepage. Applying hair fibers takes no more than a couple of minutes, so it is entirely feasible for a company to have a ‘how-to’ or ‘before and after’ video depicting the process and the look achieved once the fibers have been applied.

Bloggers, salons and celebrities

Third party sources like blogs and salons can also provide a useful method of verifying hair fiber reviews, although once again, you should take steps to authenticate the information for yourself.

If a blog or salon is clearly independent of commercial ‘persuasion’ then the results can be believed. However, in many cases celebrities and salons are paid handsomely to endorse products they have never even heard of, let alone used! Once again, judgement and discretion ought to be applied. 

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